Frequently Asked Questions
At Puracellsprayfoam.com, we care for our customers. We want you to be as informed as possible about what we do, as it is after all your property that we will be working on. It is why we have provided a list of frequently asked questions, so that you may get a better understanding of the reason why BioFoam is the best insulation to warm your home. If you have any further questions you would like us to answer, don't hesitate to contact us by phone, fax, email, or by filling in the online contact form.
What is the difference between open-cell and closed-cell foams?
Both open-cell and closed-cell foams stop the movement of air and slow down the transfer of heat. Open-cell foam products are generally not considered vapor retarders. In climate zones 6-8 a vapor retarder system may be required on the warm side of the insulation relative to the design of the wall or ceiling system. Open-cell foam should never be used for exterior applications. Open-cell foams are more cost effective per unit of U-value than closed-cell foams but do not provide the structural contribution to a building that closed-cell foams do. Closed-cell foams, on the other hand, have low vapor permeance due to their cell structure. These foams, depending on thickness, may be considered a vapor retarder but not a vapor barrier. Closed-cell foams also have a high compressive strength which allows them to be used for exterior applications.
How does Puracell insulation provide a draft seal?
Puracell insulation provides a healthier, draft-free, indoor environment. Because Puracell insulation expand to fill every cavity, crevasse and void, it provides a sealed thermal envelope that does not sag or settle over time. This improves indoor air quality by blocking harmful outside irritants such as mold, pollen and other allergens and offers an alternative to fibrous particulates which are attributed to many traditional insulation products.
What is POC 500?
POC 500 is an open-cell, semi-rigid foam insulation. It is sprayed-in-place as a two-part polyurethane. Once applied, it expands to 100 times its original size and provides a sealed, thermal building envelope. POC 500, like all Puracell insulation products, was formulated with the environment in mind and utilises annually renewable resources to replace some of the petroleum in the product. The product also is water-blown, which means it does not contain CFCs or HCFCs.
What is Puracell PCC 2000?
Puracell PCC 2000 is a water-blown, closed-cell foam. Puracell PCC 2000 offers all of the advantages of POC 500 as well as having vapor retarding properties which can be beneficial in certain construction applications.
How are Puracell Open Cell and Closed Cell applied?
Puracell Open and Closed Cell insulations are spray foam insulations. Puracell insulations adheres to almost any clean dry surface directly and are self bonding. That can be trimmed after application and painted or covered where necessary.
Who do I contact to get Puracell Installed?
Contact our head office directly. This ensures best possible service and that the work will be carried out by an authorised and genuine installer.
What makes Puracell insulation so effective?
Puracell insulation's are so effective because they are applied as a liquid and expand 100 times there original liquid size in seconds. As it expands, it conforms and fills each cavity, crevasse and void to create a sealed thermal envelope. Puracell insulation's create a highly-efficient seal against air infiltration, the number one source of energy loss in any structure. This innovative insulation adheres to any clean, dry surface and will not sag, settle or disintegrate. Puracell insulation's also are an inert substance and will not support mold growth, insects or rodents. It also does not breakdown over time, so it creates a sealed interior that blocks harmful outside irritants.
How does Puracell insulation save consumers money?
While the initial cost of installing Puracell insulation's may be higher than traditional insulation's, the savings in monthly utility bills outweighs the extra cost and results in a positive cash flow. Puracell insulation's can reduce monthly energy bills by up to 50%.
How does Puracell insulation control moisture movement and condensation?
A significant cause of moisture issues in structures is the result of warm, moist inside air being exchanged with cold, dry air inside a wall cavity. This moisture can condense within the cavity and result in mold, mildew and rot. Because POC 500 and Puracell PCC 2000 air seal, this moisture movement and subsequent condensation potential is greatly minimised.
How long does Puracell insulation last?
Indefinitely. As an inert, thermoset plastic, Puracell insulation will maintain their properties throughout the life of the building.
How long does it take for Puracell insulation to cure?
POC 500 will cure in approximately 17 seconds as it expands to 100 times its liquid volume. Puracell PCC 2000 will cure in approximately 2 minutes and expands to 60 times its liquid volume.
Can Puracell insulation be sprayed over electrical wiring?
Puracell insulation does not pose any issues with electrical wiring as long as the electrical wiring is installed to Electric Regulations. Any overheating issues with Puracell insulation in regards to wiring would be directly related to improper installation of the circuit or the size of the wiring. Polyurethane foam is chemically compatible with electrical wiring plastic.
What happens if the owners wants to add an electrical outlet once Puracell insulation is installed?
POC 500 remains soft, allowing a certified electrical contractor to pull a new wire through. For wires that may be moved frequently, such as home heater wiring, ENT conduit should be place in the wall before the insulation is installed.
Are there any compatibility concerns with other building materials?
POC 500 is stable in the presence of most solvents found in binders, bituminous materials, wood preservatives and sealers. It is resistant to facers containing plasticisers, fuel, mineral oil, weak acid and weak bases, which are typically found in residential and commercial construction materials.
Does Puracell insulation support bacteria of fungal growth?
No, Puracell insulation products are inert substances that do not provide a food source for mold.
Since Puracell insulations are made from organic oils, do rodents and insects eat the insulation?
No. Puracell insulations are an inert substance and provides no food value for rodents and insects